Grows up to 5-8 ft. per year, reaches a mature height of 50 ft. with...
Casts lots of shade in a short time....
Super shade tree, and litter-free....
Bears heavy yields of yellowish-red fruit in late summer....
Quickly grows into a "living fence"! Shoots up several feet each year, forms a...
Forms a dense screen 6-8 ft. high....
Forms an almost impenetrable hedge....
Hardy and fast-growing to 60 ft....
Wide-spreading, horizontal branches and soft needles....
Shoots up 2 ft. a year....
Grows a shapely 40-60 ft. tall....
Grows rapidly when young, slows down at reaching 50- to 75-foot maturity....
Shoots up 2 feet in a season! Grows in a pyramidal form, 40-75 feet...