Get 75 each of Giant Red Hamburger, Texas Grano and White Sweet Spanish....
Gurney's Choice Famous for its size and sweetness!...
1015Y. Softball-sized, straw-colored globes are heat and drought tolerant....
Midseason variety, tops for the North. Mild, sweet flavor raw, sauteed or deep fried....
Large globes are extra sweet. Ideal for sandwiches, salads and onion rings....
Deliciously pungent, pale gold flesh. Exceptional storage onion holds for months at peak flavor....
Day-Neutral onion! Early jumbo-sized bulbs are extra sweet, hold up in storage....
Semi-flat, 4-inch red globes are colorful in salads....
Flavor never fades. Golden globes weigh up to a pound and keep well for their...
You get 75 each of White Sweet Spanish and Yellow Sweet Spanish....
You get 75 each of Walla Walla and First Edition....
Flavor reputed to be far superior to that of scallions for delicate sauces and cream...
Produces record yields of large bulbs--for the biggest, whitest slices you've ever seen!...